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Trees for Concrete Sidewalks.

SEA received a complaint that the City of Redding was going to cut down seven shade trees at 10th and West Streets to make way for new sidewalks. We contacted Public Works and they looked at the corner again with an engineer and decided they could work around some of the large sycamore trees they had planned to cut to place the new sidewalk. Unfortunately, other trees will be removed due to the new sidewalks.

Public Works did say they will be planting 12 new trees in a section of West St. between 8th and 10th that has no
trees. They were going to put in crepe myrtles, which on Redding streets never seem to grow taller than shrubs and provide little if any shade. Parks and Recreation did say they will plant a different small tree which can provide some shade. Because the sidewalk is under REU power lines, only small trees are allowed to be planted. The entire project is part of a grant for Redding’s master plan of new sidewalks and bike lanes in downtown Redding.

With underground utilities and powerlines required to be considered when planting trees, it is unfortunate that Redding’s tree canopy often takes second place . SEA does appreciate and thank Public Works Director Chuck Auckland and Amber Kelly, and Joey Forseth of Parks and Recreation for working with us and considering our concerns on Redding’s tree canopy.